Porcupine investigates a physical manifestation of security in an age where technology increasingly infiltrates security systems, reinforcing existing power structures. We live in a society that is evermore controlled by fear, with technological advancements playing a pivotal role in surveillance and control, often at the expense of individual autonomy. Our project, however, aims to redistribute this power back to the individual. We explored how emotions like fear are embodied in nature and within societies, drawing inspiration from the porcupine’s self-defense mechanisms. The garment we created detects aggression and mimics the animal’s quills, not to cause harm, but to signal awareness and protect the wearer. This device represents a step towards empowering individuals in a technology-dominated security landscape.
This group project 'Porcupine' was invited to represent Imperial College London and the Royal College of Art at the InterPlay Exhibition at the Royal Society of Sculptors in London, United Kingdom during my semester exchange. 
List of software components used:

-HandPose OSC
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